My idea of happiness is good books - Sh. L.K. Advani. Good books help in developing overall personality of itslibrary readers. Therefore, D.A.V. has laid stress on providing the students a library which is propitious, useful and complete. The school has a library for each - the junior segment, the secondary and the senior secondary segment. The libraries are computerized, making the working effective and easy for the staff and the students. The school use this library extensively for all co-curricular & extra curricular activities like debates, quiz, talk-shows.
Senior wing Library Accommodates Classes IX To XII
The library is well planned with a sufficient arrangement of comfortable furniture. Equipped with modern facilities, it is fully air-conditioned and has aseperate reference room and suitably furnished hall. This provides a very conducive environment to the students for reading. Computerization of the library has streamlined the process like acquisition, cataloguing etc. It has a separate reading room, a reference section, and a reading hall. This library has a collection of approximately 15,000 books that are educative, informative, recreational, and inspiring. The library has grown in quantity and quality. There are more than 500 encyclopaedias, a collection of books on grammar, dictionaries, thesaurus, books for the preparation of the competitive exams for both medical and non-medical streams. Students having taste in literature, art, or even cookery find the library a treat.
Computerized Library Services
The library is fully automated and all the library functions are routed through the computer. The main function performed with the help of the computerare acquisition functions, cataloging system, circulation system, serial system and OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). Queries related to author, title, subject, publishers and the latest status of collection can be answered easily with the help of computers. The bibliographic databases can be accessed with the printed indexes.
Magazines and Periodicals
Ten national dailies are subscribed to keep the children abreast with the happenings and the changing times. The library subscribes to 76 magazines and periodicals such as competition master, Science reporter,Sportstar and others.
A good collection of fiction both in English and Hindi is maintained to cater to the taste of all the levels of children.Mammoth collection of fairy tales like Cinderella, Pinocchio, Panchtantra, Enid Blyton books, Tom Sawyer, Robin Hood and the like is also accomodated. Harry Potter, Lord of the rings give the magical feel to readers along with adventures of Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys & Ruskin Bond.
Text Book Section
Latest editions of all the subjects like Science, Social Studies, Computers, English, Dharamshiksha and others are added every year. Text reference books are available for all streams to help students in their studies. The Reference Section, a segregated reference room, abounds in special books on all subjects like books on world records, history of India and the world, the languages, science and technology, discoveries and inventions, biographies and auto-biographies among others. Many encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesaurus, biographies, subject reference books are available for reference. Such as:-
World book Encyclopedia.
Encyclopedia Americana.
Mc Graw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology.
New Standard Encyclopedia.
The library is a member of ‘The Book Club’ of the National Book Trust and ‘Scholastic Book Club'. Students are thrilled to buy books at subsidized rates. Book Week is held every year and various activities and competitions like debates, skits, one-act plays, classwise competition like mask making, drawing competition, poster making,book mark competition and entertainment programmes are arranged for the students to stimulate their reading habits. A Book Donation campaign has also been launched wherein both teachers and students donate books to the library. Book Fair is a regular feature in the school. Thus, our library aims to become a centre for educational excellence.
Middle Wing Library
Middle wing library has been set up to improve the standards of education and inculcate reading habits in the students. The library is well equipped with reference books, literature, general knowledge encyclopedias, biographies,year books etc. It also caters to a wide variety of other interests of the students such as debates, declamations, quiz etc. Audio- visual aids have also been provided.
Junior Library Room
The junior library in the primary segment has a collection of 7,000 books to cater to the needs of the students from Nursery to class V. The collection is arranged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System. Open access system is followed in order to allow the children to come in direct contact with the books without any inhibition. The new arrivals are displayed prominently.
Some Major Encyclopedias Are:
A Child’s First Library of Values(along with audiocassettes)
Oxford Children’s Encyclopedia
Child Craft
Britannica Junior Encyclopedia
A Child's First Library of Learning
The Sesame Street Finding Out Encyclopedia
Collins Standard Dictionary
Webster’s New Dictionary
Junior Visual Dictionary
Bilingual Dictionaries
Dictionaries of Idioms and Phrases
Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
Rogets Thesaurus
Audio Video Facility
Audio and video cassettes of different fairy tales, conversation cassettes in English and French, scientific facts, and general knowledge are galore. Educational movies as African Safari, Jungle Book, The Lion King and many more are shown to the children. Compact Discs on Encyclopaedia of Science, Human Body, Peter Pan Environmental Studies have been added.
Class Library System
Story telling has always attracted children towards the imaginary land of the unknown and the beautiful. Therefore, each class has been provided with extra books and maintains a class library system. During arrangement periods the teachers either tell the stories or issue books.