Sector-14, Faridabad, Haryana-121007


The great visionary, Mahatma Dayanand Saraswati attained ‘Nirvana’ in the year 1883. In the year 1886, Lala Lalchandra and Lala Hansraj laid the foundation of the first D.A.V educational institution in Lahore, to keep the memories of this eminent saint alive. This institution began as a school and later on took the form of a college. The educational philosophy of D.A.V is encompassed in its very name- Dayanand Anglo Vedic where ‘A’ stands for Anglo- English i.e. western scientific knowledge and ‘V’ stands for Vedic i.e. time honoured Vedic values.

To carry forward this illustrious legacy, the D.A.V. organization zealously follows the tradition of holding Yagnas and Havans in its various institutions. These are held regularly in the Yagyashalas in which the teachers, students and the other staff members get together to remember God Almighty and thank him for all the bounties that he has showered upon his children. These Yagnas, along with the chanting of the Holy Mantras help in purifying the atmosphere.

D.A.V. Public School, Sector-14, Faridabad takes pride in the magnificent Yagyashala, which was constructed in the year 2004 and was inaugurated by the President, D.A.V. College Managing Committee, Sh. G.P. Chopra. It is the biggest Yagyashala in the industrial Township of Faridabad and can accommodate 300 people at the same time. This octagonal shaped Yagyashala is an architectural wonder that has been constructed in white marble. It has been decorated aesthetically with Ved Mantras depicted on all its walls and floral bounty grown all around it.

Every day the students of a class along with their teachers perform the daily Yagna amidst the chanting of the holy Ved mantras. On every second Saturday and other special occasions the entire teaching community sits down to perform a Havan under the aegis of the worthy Principal of the institution, Sh. Surinder Singh Chaudhary.

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Sector 14, Faridabad, Haryana-121007.
Phone: 0129-2283335, 2283336, 2283337, 2283338 
E-Mail: [email protected]
              [email protected]
Website: http://dav14faridabad.ac.in/

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